Monday, 10 December 2012

Problems 1: vandalism

Outdoor interpretation has many problems. Here are some examples of vandalism:

A small amount of damage can totally ruin the panel:
(Křívoklátsko Protected Landscape Area, Czech Republic)

Tougher material is more resistant - lots of scratches made here but it is still legible:
(Dovedale, UK)

Graffiti is a common problem, especially in urban areas:
(Prague, Czech Republic)

Broken, but still there:
(Lueneberge Heide, Germany)

Lightweight material, easy to break:

But even if it is stronger, a determined vandal will succeed!:

Beautiful interpretation

Interpretation panels have to be effective, but sometimes a little extra style or imagination is welcome!

Beautiful engraving around this sign at Moor Copse Nature Reserve, UK:

Animal tracks engraved on this one at Ashtead Common, UK:

Something a bit different to describe peat extraction at Pietzmoor, Lueneberger Heide, Germany:

Great way of displaying photos at Točník castle, Czech Republic:

Appropriate memorial for a local geologist, near Brno, Czech Republic:

Clever way of visualisation, Caruntum, Austria:

Please let me know what you think of them and if you know of any other stylish or imaginative interpretation.

Information point

Here are some more photos from Thayatal National Park in Austria.
This is an information point at a car park:

Some traditional interpretation - panels with lots of information. What do you think?

Tree identification

Still in Thayatal National Park in Austria, here is some help with tree identification:

What do yo think?

Interactive signs 1

Here are some more examples of interpretation from Thayatal National Park in Austria.

They are all very interactive - lots to touch and do.
What do you think - good or bad?

Imaginative signs 1

Here's an interesting sign from Thayatal National Park in Austria. The subject is the removal of non-native tree species in the forest:

What do you think about this style of interpretation? Does it work or does it just look good?